Configuring Lab Management on a single machine

When you configure TFS Lab Management in a single box, and you follow the instruction that you find on MSDN, probably you will encounter this error when you configure the host tab.

  • The following host is unusable for Lab Management: xxxx in host group: “All Hosts”. To make it usable, connect at least one of its physical network adapters to a valid network. Then, verify the host group again to ensure that the problem has been resolved. *

This is due to the fact that you are configuring everything in a single box, and lab management complains that he need a physical network to communicate with the host group. Thankfully the Lab Management Blog as a dedicated post on how to solve the problem, just follow the instructions and run

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010\Tools> TFSConfig lab /Settings /NetworkLocation:“Internal Network”

To solve the problem. Do not forget to check the post for useful suggestions for One Box configuration.
