My DampD Character

I’m a great fan of Dungeons And Dragons, I began playing when I was 12 years old, and after more that 20 years I still play, a little less but still have a lot of fun with my friends.

I think that role playing games are really useful to keep your creativity up and running, someone told me that speaking about Dragon, Bugbear and stuff like that at the age of 34 is really strange, some other tell me that they envy me for still having fun with those games.

It is true that when you became adult, you have your own house, you have your work, family, you have more problems to solve, and it seems that you cannot have time for play, but it is necessary for me to have some relax, a couple of hours when I do not need to worry about code, money, taxes, etc etc..

My character is a female Monk, 19th level, and in our group we are all evil :D, after a lot of years spent to play the classic fantasy hero, save the world, save the princess, help people and stuff like that, we decide some years ago to create an evil party. Now we play to conquer all the world, killing and crunching everyone or everything that try to stop us :D :D I must admit that is a real different perspective, but after lot of year spent playing you need to change to make the game always different.

Here is my character, this sketch is made by one of my friend, he is reaaallyyy good in drawing, this one was made in no more than a few minutes while we were playing ;), I was really amazed

