Windows Live Messenger error 81000395

Yesterday I could not connect to Windows live messenger, it gave me error 81000395 telling me that the service was not avaliable. This morning the problem is still there…so I googled a little bit to find solution. I found a lot of thing but noone worked

  1. Uninstall and reinstall (did not work)
  2. Uninstall and reinstall old version (It tells me that I need to upgrade an I cannot log)
  3. Disable firewall
  4. Dance some macumba in front of the the pc…..still not work :D
  5. The laptop connected well so the problem is on my desktop….

Then I found this post.

It seems absurd, but here what it happened. This post told you to enable logging, then send the log to the team that will help you to find the solution. I follow the instructions, and deleted all files that are in the Messenger received file folder, then enable logging, then try to log and…..the problem was gone :D. Then I disconnect and try to connect again….no way.

After 10 minutes I discovered that the problem is originated from Avg antivirus, when I disabled the MSN protection everything works again. After 4 years is the first time that AVG gives me problem, now I keep MSN protection deactivated, and I’ll wait for some upgrade.
