Reference a user control from appcode

User controls are one of the most useful features of ASP.NET, but they can generate problems with dynamic generation. Suppose you create a user control and then wants to dynamically create instances of that control and reference some specific properties or method of the control itself. If the code is in another user control there is no problem, just use a @register page directive and no problem, here is an example


Whith this directive I’m telling to ASP.NET that in this control I will reference ModularDataSection.ascx user control, this permits me to write code like this in code behind file

Dim cnt As Control = page.LoadControl(“~/BackOfficeControls/ModularData/ModularDataSection.ascx”)
Dim modcont As BackOfficeControls_ModularData_ModularDataSection
modcont = TryCast(cnt, BackOfficeControls_ModularData_ModularDataSection)

I can reference the class that implements the control with the name BackOfficeControls_ModularData_ModularDataSectionbecause the @register directive put that class in scope. The problem arise when I try to move the previous snippet in a class in app_code directory. Code in app_code directory cannot use @register directive, nor it can reference class behind code for user control. A solution of this problem is to define an interface in app_code directory that contains all the properties and methods that you need to access on the user control

PublicInterface IModularDataSectionUserControl
Property BaseControlDir() AsString
Sub InitData(ByVal sectionId AsInteger, ByVal linkId As Nullable(OfInteger))

Then you make your user control implement this interface, and in app_code you can write classes that dynamically instantiate the control and works through the interface.

Dim cnt As Control = page.LoadControl(tab.ControlPath)
Dim modcont As EasyCv.UserControl.IModularDataSectionUserControl
modcont = TryCast(cnt, EasyCv.UserControl.IModularDataSectionUserControl)
If modcont IsNotNothingThen
Dim sect As Actvalue.ModularData.Entities.Section = DirectCast(tab.Tag, Actvalue.ModularData.Entities.Section)
modcont.BaseControlDir = “~/BackOfficeControls/ModularData/”
modcont.InitData(sect.Id, cvid)

In this way you can access specific properties and method of the user control because they are exposed through an interface shared in the app_code directory.
