Intercept events from HttpModule

This morning I was reading an interesting article ( on how to perform custom authentication in a webservice. This article is interesting but actually does not run “as is”, it miss a little part, the Global.Asax code that listen for the HttpModule Event. The question is “How can I listen to an event raised from an Http module if the instance of that module is created by engine?”. The answer is not so intuitive, because each event raised from an httpmodule can be intercepted by global.asax with a not so evident autowiring. It turns out that if you want to listen for an event raised from httpmodule you have to create a method in global.asax that match the signature of the event and name it with this pattern modulefriendlyname_eventname. In the example of the above article I enabled the event with this code in web.config


It turns out that in my global.asax I can listen for the event with this code.

protectedvoid Auth_Authenticate(Object sender, WebServiceAuthenticationEvent e) {

//Your code here
