Test of blog publishing with Microsoft word 2007

This post is created using Microsoft word 2007. Let’s see if this makes blogging simpler. First of all some formatting bold italic.

This is indented with tab.

  1. Some ordered item
  2. Another ordered item
  • A bullet list
  • Another element of the bullet list

Some weird code in VB.NET

1 <AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level:=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal), _
2 AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level:=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal), _
3 ToolboxData(“<{0}:MultipleFieldsValidator runat=server></{0}:MultipleFieldsValidator>”)> _
4PublicClass MultipleControlsValidator
5Inherits BaseValidator
7 <Browsable(False), _
8 EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> _
9PrivateShadowsProperty SetFocusOnError() AsBoolean
13Set(ByVal value AsBoolean)
14ThrowNew NotSupportedException(“Cannot focus if we have more than one control to validate.”)

Some in C#

38Section section, Int32 linkId) {
40IUnitOfWork UoW = DataAccessProviderFactory.GetConversationUnitOfWork();
41Query Q = Query.CreateQuery(“Field.OwnerSection.mId”, section.Id, CriteriaOperator.Equal);
42 Q.AddCriteria(“LinkId”, linkId, CriteriaOperator.Equal);
43 Q.Operator = QueryOperator.And;
44IList<FieldData> result = UoW.GetByCriteria<FieldData>(Q);
45foreach (FieldData f in result) {
46 UoW.Detach(f);
47 }

And at last one image, this is the place where I work, my home…quite messy isn’t it?? :D

External Image

Now let’s see if word can publish all this post in my new wordpress blog. :D :D :D

The result for the code was quite messy, to have a good result I need to install a plugin for Visual Studio that gives me the option to “Copy as HTML” the code, and then once pasted in word 2007 I need to make some manual substitution for space and paragraph sign to have a good result. L
